What is SchoggiMail?
SchoggiMAIL stands for emotions, relationships, lifestyle, creativity, taste, Innovation and fun with the unusual.
With ever new Ideas, we are continuously expanding our position in the Swiss market and will continue to expand internationally in the near future.
The reasons for the company’s success are manifold.
At the forefront is the joy of new and mutual enthusiasm. Nothing motivates more than a “ping pong” of Ideas. Our goal of letting people please, surprise or amaze each other is paramount here. The more “casual” we manage to do this, the more fun we have in the matter.
Based on this, we have committed employees and who in turn have a strong Intuition for market needs. Unconventional communication, product competence, excellent suppliers, sales partners who are there with heart and soul and excellent logistics form the backbone for the successful development of the company. Marketing measures and new innovations also support the strong image of the brand and the company.

Our products

SchoggiMAIL was based on an idea that is very simple and therefore so captivating. It should be a gift that gives the recipients a joy. It should appeal to all senses, but not commit to the counter-gift. It should be updated again and again, but not a fad. And last but not least, it’s supposed to bring joy to old and young. Our customers believe that we have succeeded in this
Our product variants
Business clients
With a SchoggiMAIL, you emotionalize every message, generate the desired attention and address all the senses to the recipient.
Each SchoggiMAIL can be individually designed. With the help of state-of-the-art techniques, almost all content – from address to customer contact up to graphics, Text passages or product offerings-can be targeted at the recipient.

The SchoggiMAIL team
Dr Markus Hess
Claudia Egle